Area Code 413

Where Is Area Code 413?

Updated: March 23rd 2024

Cities located in the Western part of Massachusetts are mostly covered by the 413 area code. The cities that are located in the 413 area code generally only have a few thousand residents, which makes it unlikely that an overlay will be necessary in order to provide additional phone numbers anytime in the near future. The 413 area code was originally designated for Pennsylvania, but was ultimately assigned to the western part of Massachusetts in 1947. In addition to lacking overlays, area code 413 has also not been subjected to any splits. However, residents in the 413 area code are required to dial all ten digits for local as well as long distance phone calls. Cities in the 413 area code include, Orange, New Salem, Hardwick, Warren, Wendell, and Warwick. If you have never heard of these cities, you are definitely not alone.

When visiting cities in the 413 area code, be prepared to have all activities revolve around nature. Cities in area code 413 are generally without museums, festivals, theme parks, fancy restaurants, or other activities that one would normally find in bigger cities. In fact, cities in the 413 area code have small populations that are well under 10,000 people. As a result, recreation in the region is limited to outdoor activities that require athletic ability or an active imagination. Tourists in these small cities are usually visiting relatives, and turn to walking, running, hiking, or cycling for entertainment. In contrast, local children are often seen playing fun imaginative games such as Cowboys and Indians.

More adventurous tourists in Warren are usually pleased to find that adrenaline inducing outdoor activities are easy to find. The Quaboag River runs through Warren and its waters are ideal for kayaking and whitewater rafting.

The rapids are known to throw around the people that dare try to float along its stream. Locals also enjoy what the Quaboag River has to offer, although it is rare to see a local daring to kayak along it. In fact, locals have more of a respect for the river, as it is quite dangerous for children especially during wintertime.

Residents in the 413 area code, including the cities of Orange, Warwick, and Warren are accustomed to a close knit community. The small population size makes it an ideal community to raise children in a safe environment. Furthermore, residents in the 413 area code tend to get to know their neighbors and have a genuine concern if someone is in need. Of course, many residents in the 413 area code have lived there for many generations, which might make it a bit difficult to break into the established social circles.

Major Cities In Area Code 413

New Salem


The quiet vicinity that includes area code 413 is the ideal place to take in small town America. The cities in the region have histories that span several hundred years, and their tenacity is representative of what it means to be American. Accordingly, it is relatively easy to find family owned restaurants and coffee shops in the cities of New Salem, Hardwick, Warren, Wendell, Warwick, and Orange. The personal touches that are noticeable in these restaurants and coffee shops are welcomed by worn out tourists and visitors from larger cities where the same tends to be impersonal. In fact, there are many positives about the 413 area code. The small population size makes it unlikely to get stuck in traffic and the cities are close enough to major cities to enjoy big city conveniences when absolutely necessary. It is often difficult to find a specific medical specialist in the 413 area code, which sometimes makes a trip to a city such as Boston inevitable. Some may find it difficult to imagine that Orange, Massachusetts, which has a population with fewer than 8,000 people, is located less than two hours outside of Boston. Regardless, residents have grown used to having the best of both worlds and fully take advantage of small town living on the outskirts of the big city.

Massachusetts Area Codes By Number